Rate Limiter

This middleware stores ip address of a request in memory and will throw an 429 Too Many Requests error when there will be too many requests than the number set in the configuration. Based on https://github.com/jhurliman/node-rate-limiter and https://github.com/ptarjan/node-cache

It will help you solve this security problem.

export type RateLimiter = {  tokensPerInterval: number;  interval: string | number;  fireImmediately?: boolean;};

To write a custom logic for this middleware follow this pattern:

export default defineNuxtConfig({  security: {    rateLimiter: {      tokensPerInterval: 200,      interval: "day",      fireImmediately: false      throwError: false, // optional    }  }})

Or use routeRules for per route configuration:

export default defineNuxtConfig({  routeRules: {    '/my-secret-route': {      security: {        rateLimiter: {          tokensPerInterval: 200,          interval: "day",          fireImmediately: false          throwError: false, // optional        }      }    }  }